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  • Essências Vibracionais| Ararêtama

    Return FLOWER ESSENCES The Vibrational Essences ​ In the 1930s, Dr. Edward Bach in England published the first studies on flower essences and showed the world that each flower has unique vibrational qualities that, through a simple process, can be recorded as information in water molecules, as can be transmitted to our emotional body. These essences are powerful aids to our emotional development. In a chemical analysis, the floral and vibrational essence is simply water preserved in alcohol. It does not contain any substance from the plant from which it is made, but it contains its energetic information, its life force. When we take it in drops or use a spray with the essences or in cosmetics, they act on our body at levels beyond the physical. Its energetic frequency vibrates and interacts with the frequencies of our body, restoring the balance of our emotions. The Ararêtama Vibrational System of Essences brings the special qualities of flowers, lichens, vines and other elements of the Atlantic Forest. Essences can be used symptomatically - to feel better and emotionally balance, from the identification of which essence is suitable for each condition. They can also be used through Emotional Fitness and Mandala Ararêtama – an emotional gym, which leads to a progressive immersion in the behavioral universe of each person and complements each Essence with a series of self-development exercises. Through this process, we reach the core of each topic to be improved. Find out more here >> Quando tomamos em gotas ou utilizamos um spray com as essências florais e vibracionais ou em cosméticos, elas agem em nosso organismo em níveis além do físico. A sua frequência energética vibra e interage com as frequências de nosso corpo, restaurando o equilíbrio das nossas emoções. ​ O Sistema Vibracional de Essências Ararêtama traz as qualidades especiais das flores, líquens, cipós e outros elementos da Mata Atlântica, especialmente da região de Ubatuba e Cunha. Foram produzidas 3 essências no arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, representando esta exuberância. As Essências de Noronha estão dentro do kit básico de 64 essências da Mata Atlântica. ​ As essências podem ser usadas sintomaticamente – para sentir-se melhor e equilibrar-se emocionalmente, a partir da identificação de qual essência é adequada para cada condição. Conheça as Linhas Ararêtama>> Click here to purchase now with one of our representatives >>

  • E-gel | Ararêtama

    Return E-GEL E-gel The perfect union between gel and flower essences. E-gel is formulated with an invigorating gel and flower essences that together promote a feeling of well-being, relaxing tense muscles and relieving pain throughout the body. Benefits: Invigorates by promoting a feeling of well-being, in addition to promoting a feeling of well-being, relaxing tense muscles and relieving pain. Aroma: White Rose essential oil. Ararêtama Flower Essences: Ybá, Assá, Bromeliad Amount in Bottle: 60g How to use: Apply on the skin. *Once opened, use within 3 months. It's not medicine. Check out in the video to the side, the explanation about the E-gel by the researcher and creator of the essences of Ararêtama, Sandra Epstein. Click here to purchase now with one of our representatives >>

  • Revelação| Araretama

    Return REVELAÇÃO Revelação Keyword: release Affirmation: I transmute growing obstacles and become a channel of healing for the planet. I touch my inner feelings. What is hidden I reveal. Benefits: Reveals unconscious blocks that prevent our fluent manifestation. It brings out individual strength and reinforces your present energy. It promotes fluid communication between soul and self. It exerts healing energy on the unconscious plane, without causing imbalances, healing surges. Activate dreams. It enlightens us about our healing potential, how to access it and manifest it in everyday life. It increases our perception. Bring lightness. It enlarges our visible space into subtle perception. It favors romanticism. It aids emotional flow when the blockage is emotional. Symptoms: Difficulty understanding behavior patterns. Difficulty respecting the internal rhythm. Difficulty remembering dreams. Liquid retention. Difficulty in directing and uncertainties about the professional career. Dissatisfaction and frustration. Click here to purchase now with one of our distributors >>

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